2010-03-16 16:41:34 UTC
St. Elizabeth of Hungary says,
"This Gift to the world of mankind, instructing all
races, all creeds, on the Beauty of this Special Gift of
Love from The Father, should give to mankind a security
for life to be above all other things, and that through
this Gift of The Father's a human identity will remain
ON SEPTEMBER 20,1995 AT 12:28 P.M.
" I am Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. We are
ever Present in great numbers where this Miracle of The
Father's is available for Each of Us to address mankind
in, and on, the Importance of that Special Gift from
The Divine, the Soul.
Nowhere in the world has there ever been, or is
there now, so much Personal Instruction on that Particular
Portion of human life that is Definitely, Truly, Positively,
Part of The Divine. This may be difficult for some
very strong-willed minded people to accept, to
understand, to believe, but nonetheless, it is Fact, it is
Truth, else what part of mankind would become a Saint?
The body that automatically no longer exists as a body?
Is not the head of the individual part of this body?
Would not logic say it had to be something beyond what
mankind can relate to as human, as part of the living
human body? Logic would say it had to be something
beyond, from the Beyond.
This Gift to the world of mankind, instructing all
races, all creeds, on the Beauty of this Special Gift of
Love from The Father, should give to mankind a security
for life to be above all other things, and that through
this Gift of The Father's a human identity will remain
The Soul, as a Personal Gift of Divine Love,
because It is a Portion of The Father, is most difficult
for many to understand. But how many go to a physical
doctor? He listens for a sound in the body, or a beat
that the individual is not aware of. It is there. It is
some portion or something that gives the human doctor
the information. The Soul is constantly evident, because
the Soul is a recipient of all that a human being does,
says, reacts to, permits, and/or accepts, that in some
way the mind, the nature, the conscience, the will, or
the physical is evident.
So many Blessings have passed through this
Miracle, so much Divine Love. What a Gift mankind
has at this time in which you live, because The Father
has chosen this time to instruct mankind on so much
that mankind at one time might have heard of, but never
in the detail that The Father has been, and is still giving
through this Miracle of His Loving Holy Spirit.
This Miracle must be announced throughout the
world. It must be kept from no one, for no reason,
because there is no human being that does exist in the
physical form that does not have a Portion of God within
it. So be it."
Saint Joseph's Hill Of Hope
Brea, California 92822 U.S.A.
All Revelations are delivered spontaneously
and continuously as witnessed by all those
present at the time.
© Copyright 1996 FMK. All rights reserved.
This is used with the permission of the copyright holder.
"This Gift to the world of mankind, instructing all
races, all creeds, on the Beauty of this Special Gift of
Love from The Father, should give to mankind a security
for life to be above all other things, and that through
this Gift of The Father's a human identity will remain
ON SEPTEMBER 20,1995 AT 12:28 P.M.
" I am Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. We are
ever Present in great numbers where this Miracle of The
Father's is available for Each of Us to address mankind
in, and on, the Importance of that Special Gift from
The Divine, the Soul.
Nowhere in the world has there ever been, or is
there now, so much Personal Instruction on that Particular
Portion of human life that is Definitely, Truly, Positively,
Part of The Divine. This may be difficult for some
very strong-willed minded people to accept, to
understand, to believe, but nonetheless, it is Fact, it is
Truth, else what part of mankind would become a Saint?
The body that automatically no longer exists as a body?
Is not the head of the individual part of this body?
Would not logic say it had to be something beyond what
mankind can relate to as human, as part of the living
human body? Logic would say it had to be something
beyond, from the Beyond.
This Gift to the world of mankind, instructing all
races, all creeds, on the Beauty of this Special Gift of
Love from The Father, should give to mankind a security
for life to be above all other things, and that through
this Gift of The Father's a human identity will remain
The Soul, as a Personal Gift of Divine Love,
because It is a Portion of The Father, is most difficult
for many to understand. But how many go to a physical
doctor? He listens for a sound in the body, or a beat
that the individual is not aware of. It is there. It is
some portion or something that gives the human doctor
the information. The Soul is constantly evident, because
the Soul is a recipient of all that a human being does,
says, reacts to, permits, and/or accepts, that in some
way the mind, the nature, the conscience, the will, or
the physical is evident.
So many Blessings have passed through this
Miracle, so much Divine Love. What a Gift mankind
has at this time in which you live, because The Father
has chosen this time to instruct mankind on so much
that mankind at one time might have heard of, but never
in the detail that The Father has been, and is still giving
through this Miracle of His Loving Holy Spirit.
This Miracle must be announced throughout the
world. It must be kept from no one, for no reason,
because there is no human being that does exist in the
physical form that does not have a Portion of God within
it. So be it."
Saint Joseph's Hill Of Hope
Brea, California 92822 U.S.A.
All Revelations are delivered spontaneously
and continuously as witnessed by all those
present at the time.
© Copyright 1996 FMK. All rights reserved.
This is used with the permission of the copyright holder.