Monster Zero
2010-04-12 11:07:38 UTC
Just picked one up for very little $$. I've been surprised with it.
I'll be honest I didn't even try it out in the store because I got it
for 20 bux. Pairs very well with my Bad monkey and my Weeping Demon
Wah. One thing I've noticed is if you keep away from extreme settings
in the distortions you can get some very nice and controllable crunch
out of it. The chorus is lush and the delay and flanger are both
pretty good. The pitch shifter on it is probably the worst I've ever
used but I have no use for a pitch shifter any way. The compressor
works nicely for a little more punch and sustain and the noise gate
works fine. The wah on it is serviceable but I like the wide sweep of
my WD-7 much better.
Not crazy about the display as it's not visible enough for me when
standing. Whatever plastic it is made of is very durable and even with
this thing being almost 10 years old the switches are still super
tight. I do not like that the tuner has to be disengaged the same way
you engage it by depressing two buttons at once. In the cheapy MFX
dept this thing ranks above my ZOOM G2 "sound wise" easily. Very
natural sounding through my Fender 75 head and a closed back 4x12 of
Eminence Alnico V's with no digital clipping when paired with the Bad
Monkey which is something I've fought with the ZOOM. I wouldn't say
I've found my Holy Grail but I'd gig it with the 3 patches I've built
on it so far. As I said earlier if you keep it away from extreme
settings it performs great! Overall it's definitely a "diamond in the
rough" find.
I'll be honest I didn't even try it out in the store because I got it
for 20 bux. Pairs very well with my Bad monkey and my Weeping Demon
Wah. One thing I've noticed is if you keep away from extreme settings
in the distortions you can get some very nice and controllable crunch
out of it. The chorus is lush and the delay and flanger are both
pretty good. The pitch shifter on it is probably the worst I've ever
used but I have no use for a pitch shifter any way. The compressor
works nicely for a little more punch and sustain and the noise gate
works fine. The wah on it is serviceable but I like the wide sweep of
my WD-7 much better.
Not crazy about the display as it's not visible enough for me when
standing. Whatever plastic it is made of is very durable and even with
this thing being almost 10 years old the switches are still super
tight. I do not like that the tuner has to be disengaged the same way
you engage it by depressing two buttons at once. In the cheapy MFX
dept this thing ranks above my ZOOM G2 "sound wise" easily. Very
natural sounding through my Fender 75 head and a closed back 4x12 of
Eminence Alnico V's with no digital clipping when paired with the Bad
Monkey which is something I've fought with the ZOOM. I wouldn't say
I've found my Holy Grail but I'd gig it with the 3 patches I've built
on it so far. As I said earlier if you keep it away from extreme
settings it performs great! Overall it's definitely a "diamond in the
rough" find.