Panda Wallop
2010-07-19 01:40:19 UTC
A question for people familiar with the large, cast DeArmond pedal
chassis - have you ever removed the treadle? If so, can you describe
how it's done, please?
I own several DeArmonds, including a Thunderbolt and an 1800 Vol/Wah,
and they share the same chassis/treadle construction, a spring-loaded
axle that runs through two cast lugs; it's not obvious how they're
assembled and I sure don't want to damage anything, but I'd like to
give 'em all a thorough cleaning...
Can anybody help, here?
chassis - have you ever removed the treadle? If so, can you describe
how it's done, please?
I own several DeArmonds, including a Thunderbolt and an 1800 Vol/Wah,
and they share the same chassis/treadle construction, a spring-loaded
axle that runs through two cast lugs; it's not obvious how they're
assembled and I sure don't want to damage anything, but I'd like to
give 'em all a thorough cleaning...
Can anybody help, here?