Post by x01001xWhat is the difference under the hood between these two pedals?
Did the original Rat come out before 1980?
Are there any aftermarket mods for these pedals?
Thank you!
The main difference between the normal RAT and Turbo Rat are the
clipping diodes. The normal rat uses 1n4148 or simalar (0,7V) and the
turbo rat uses LEDs (2,2V forward voltage).
This means that the turbo rat has a higher output and less compression
than the normal rat. The double rat has also an option to switch to
germanium diodes for a fuzzier sound aka dirty rat (0,3V) and to
switch the clipping diodes completly off for a more clean boost.
Older models uses the lm383 op, first models in a round metal can
housing, later in 8pin dip housing. New models uses cheaper LMxxx or
BurrBrown op. Also the old pedals use the now called Millennium bypass
that uses a normal cheap switch to get a full bypass. See picture:
There are some simple mods and you can build in a switch to change
between turbo and normal rat. Build in the classic LM383 or other OP
Thats the technical part. I think that the rat only works for few
setups. Strat and marshall amp at high volumes for example. I have
tryed different mods on the rat, build a new one strict to the classic
rat schematics and can't find out why this pedal schould be something
special. I have had several cheap distortion pedals that all sound
better than the rat. Maby it's the same hype like the klon pedal or
tubescreamer that I can't understand.