Favorite Small Stone?
(too old to reply)
Dr. Zontar
2011-01-05 15:18:40 UTC
Which model is your favorite? Vintage? NYC Reissue? Russian? Nano?

- Rich
H Davis
2011-01-05 19:55:33 UTC
Post by Dr. Zontar
Which model is your favorite? Vintage? NYC Reissue? Russian? Nano?
- Rich
No doubt about it - the NYC Reissue.
It is built well, performs consistently unit to unit, and is the easiest to
repair and modify.

Guitar pedal design engineering, repairs, and custom mods:
Dr. Zontar
2011-01-05 20:43:01 UTC
Post by H Davis
No doubt about it - the NYC Reissue.
It is built well, performs consistently unit to unit, and is the easiest to
repair and modify.
Thanks, Howard. I wasn't expecting to get an answer from such an
authority. I had a Nano Small Stone for a while, and something about
it bothered me, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

- Rich
H Davis
2011-01-06 20:11:25 UTC
Post by H Davis
No doubt about it - the NYC Reissue.
It is built well, performs consistently unit to unit, and is the easiest to
repair and modify.
Thanks, Howard. I wasn't expecting to get an answer from such an
authority. I had a Nano Small Stone for a while, and something about
it bothered me, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

- Rich

Thanks for the compliment, Rich.

The Nano series of pedals are built with tiny surface-mount components,
which makes them very difficult or impossible to repair or modify. I have
not seen the insides of all, but what I have seen indicates that design
flaws in older models have not been corrected, and many of the mods that
correct them are not practical due to the surface-mount construction.

Guitar pedal design engineering, repairs, and custom mods:
2011-01-05 23:28:55 UTC
Post by Dr. Zontar
Which model is your favorite? Vintage? NYC Reissue? Russian? Nano?
- Rich
I like them all - but, currently use one of the Vintage ones that needed
to be modded for it to be usuable.

They're ALL notorious for volume drops... That killed me, and it took me
years to track it down and fix it.

Finally, I have the best Phaser, and there's no drop - and its true

PS - I'm picking up an old Boss PH1-r tonight - I wonder if I'll like
2011-01-06 22:57:24 UTC
Post by TheChris
Post by Dr. Zontar
Which model is your favorite? Vintage? NYC Reissue? Russian? Nano?
- Rich
I like them all - but, currently use one of the Vintage ones that needed
to be modded for it to be usuable.
They're ALL notorious for volume drops... That killed me, and it took me
years to track it down and fix it.
Finally, I have the best Phaser, and there's no drop - and its true
PS - I'm picking up an old Boss PH1-r tonight - I wonder if I'll like
I use a Boss PH-1 and really like it. Let me know what you think
after you try it out. (it's one of my all time favorite phasers)
2011-01-07 00:20:57 UTC
Post by Squier
Post by TheChris
Post by Dr. Zontar
Which model is your favorite? Vintage? NYC Reissue? Russian? Nano?
- Rich
I like them all - but, currently use one of the Vintage ones that needed
to be modded for it to be usuable.
They're ALL notorious for volume drops... That killed me, and it took me
years to track it down and fix it.
Finally, I have the best Phaser, and there's no drop - and its true
PS - I'm picking up an old Boss PH1-r tonight - I wonder if I'll like
I use a Boss PH-1 and really like it. Let me know what you think
after you try it out. (it's one of my all time favorite phasers)
Got it last night... Modded it from needing an ACA adaptor to a more
standard PSA. Sounds really good! Almost Small Stone like!!

2011-01-06 00:48:44 UTC
Post by Dr. Zontar
Which model is your favorite? Vintage? NYC Reissue? Russian? Nano?
I wish I knew! I've got a broken one sitting in a box that I got about
30 years ago. I've never heard it. But I'll fix it one of these days, I
swear. When I do, I should decant it into a heavier box - the thing is
built about as sturdy as a gum wrapper.