Post by Jim CarrBar owners "cave" when they pay for the right to make money off of the work
of other people? How interesting! Do you put your money in the bank and not
expect interest? Just because an artist and label made money off the song
via record sales, touring, and so forth doesn't mean that they don't have
the right to expect a slice from *other* people making money off of their
efforts. It's no different than somebody selling tee shirts with a band's
logo and pocketing the profits.
No, they "cave" when they accept "penalties" and imaginary "damages".
You know, courts of law are there to settle cases of "damages" but
it's about REAL costs. Not some made-up crap: when the agreement which
was for you to pay this amount and since you didn't I've just decided
the fee is now XYZ, not because this actually cost me any losses, but
just because I want your money! Going along with this, THAT is
"caving"! Of course just blowing off your license fees for years is a
whole 'nother matter!
Post by Jim CarrAnd of course they should be able to sue for more than just what somebody
would have owed had they simply paid up front. Otherwise, where's the
incentive to pay in the first place? Bar owners would simply hope to fly
under the radar if the worst that can happen is that they have to pay what
they should have been paying in the first place?
They can sue for more but asking isn't the same as deserving! They
have to prove damages. COURTS can assess "punitive" damages to induce
owners to pay in a timely way, but it seems the modern way is for the
COMPANIES to decide what punitive damages should be paid to THEM. For
more information go read the "rubber" contact the bank had you sign to
get a credit card. Mine say they can change ANY provision of our
agreement at ANY time WITHOUT giving me notice! That sound legal to
you? But the squeeze is they've got lawyers and can afford to bleed me
dry because I don't have the money to fight. THAT means I "cave". You
think this way of "doing business" is fair?
Post by Jim CarrI go to a local bar every Sunday during football season to catch the
Redskins games with a group of about 15 other people. That's the only reason
the bar opens on Sunday mornings. He makes a decent chunk of change off of
us each time. If it weren't for the game, we wouldn't be there. Should he
not be required to pay a slice to the NFL?
SURE! In fact this copyright thing doesn't go NEAR far enough.
ANYTHING! Public domain needs to be HISTORY!
2. Every time a copyrighted object is sold new royalties should be
paid! I mean used CDs, old T shirts, Old books, Computer software, old
appliances with registered trademarks. You name it! Each time one is
sold without royalties a $30,000 lawsuit ought to be hanging over the
head of the store or person running the garage sale!
3. TAB sites and lyric sites all need to be shut down forever. All
libraries need to be closed or assessed fees for each book, DVD, or CD
EACH time they loan it out! Luckily courts have decided that there is
basically no such thing as student fair use or "research".
4. All TVs and radios in bars or any other commercial establishment
should be required to fork over royalties for each and every program
logged while the receiver is on! (currently they only pay if
broadcasts are to an integrated system and not individual receivers.)
Sports bars are big money so by "deep pockets" theory some of that
money MUST be grabbed! An appliance store with TVs running in the
store window really should be assessed a license fee for that.
5. ALL musicians and music students should be required to send money
periodically to ASCAP and BMI because...well...hey we all KNOW that
sooner or later they are going to be illegally playing some cover
without forking over so they might as well just pay up ahead of time!
A nice State-issued "guitar learner's permit" with a later "bass
player's license" ought to do it! I mean you need a license to drive a
car, so why not to play an instrument? It's only sensible!
There! I think these few modest suggestions should "fix" the music
(Who notes that if you talk to any composers, all this extorted cash
doesn't seem to be going there!)
PS. By the way, I'm NOT against ASCAP & BMI venue fees! Composers and
copyright holders DO deserve some return for people using their work.
But what is stuck in my craw is business practices that are totally
detrimental to the business as a WHOLE! Fair is one thing,
destructive is another! Self-destructive is just plain stupid!