Post by RufusPost by stratratPost by amdxHi all,
My son is floundering, after two years at a university he has decided
that's not what he wants. I guess I could say I knew that
from the start, mom didn't. I would have liked to see him finish
and then flounder but with job prospects, but he didn't.
He keeps saying he has an interest in music, he plays guitar, talks
about mixing but has no equipment except a computer.
I've got about $25,000 into his education so far and don't mind
spending some more to get him on a track.
What are some job categories in music, music recording, studio
recording. I don't know! What should he be learning?
I know this is very open ended, because he doesn't know what he wants.
Just venting and looking for ideas, he will do what he wants when he
finds it, but I figure my job is to put things in his path until he
trips on something.
As I told him when he went to college, explore everything on campus
until you find what tweaks you! I think he played video games instead.
Any Ideas?
Thanks, Dad
If he's less than 20-ish i'd leave him alone, I was near 28 before I
decided to become a part of society :-)
Or set him up with a psychologist for an interview followed by a career
counselor, not that expensive all things considered. My younger son knew
what he wanted but not that that was different from what he was cut out for.
Army (non-combat) might help, for me it only got me into drinking,
dumped both as bad habbits.
Otherwise, longer-term, maybe a TV station for a daytime job?
good luck
As someone that's been working alongside the military as a civilian for
over 30 years, it simply astounds me that *anyone* can think they can
put on a uniform and just go "non-combat" through it all...that's just
plain luck of the draw. You put on a uniform, you take on a
responsibility, and you do what and go where you're told or you go to
the brig. So step up if you want to step up, but don't step up and not
mean it. That *never* goes well. Not from what I've witnessed -
professionally, and family-wise.
As for audio engineering, as a professional aerospace engineer myself
and a hobbyist as a musician, I can say that if he really wants to be a
professional audio engineer he needs to not only have a good ear but
also study and become an electrical engineer. If school isn't his cup
of tea, then that's a tall hurdle...
So then there's pure music, *if* he actually wants to study that and try
to do something with it. I have a cousin working on a Masters in Music
- got his BA on scholarship. He's on *fire* for music. But a
performing music degree teaches you nothing about working in a studio,
and that's his biggest complaint about his education.
That leaves internships...which at least may or may not pay anything.
Bottom line is he needs to find his passion, and follow *that*. THat
always works.
I don't see "US" in the group's name, but I've been in the military in
more than one country in more ways than one and my brother and one uncle
were both US marines. I was thinking of Canada where, as in many other
countries, if you decide to enroll you have the option of a
non-combattant role, or at least such an option did avail last time I
looked. Either way the point was that, as per my experience, you get
*top notch training* in almost whatever field you want which may include
a PhD in geophysics. In my time you basically went through the
university of your choice (or mil. college) on the defense bill and
remained in service as an officer for x number of years. I don't know
what they offer, especially nowadays, by way of sound studio
technologies but I doubt if they didn't have PR related similar
trades/diplomas/degrees. Electrical engineering might very well be in there.
What I responded to really was a father's dilemma, as a father, and as
far as that goes a counselor would top my list of suggestions for the
near future. One of my sons could have avoided wasting 10 years of his
life in a line of work he 'thought' he liked but for which he really had
no affinity at all and ended up leaving for another. An accredited
counselor (not just a self-appointed monkey) would have helped him
prevent this but no one thought it necessary :-(