Buying used guitar gear from US on my visit from Australia - leaving next week .......
(too old to reply)
2010-09-29 21:26:52 UTC
Hi there, I'm from Queensland Australia and I've been reading these news
groups for a while although I have yet to post.

As stated in the header I'll be in the states next week, for approx 3 weeks.
I'll be driving from L.A to New York via Nashville with the missus and
obviously other places along the way. Really looking forward to it,
particularly since the dollar is just about 1:1 at the moment. I'm a keen
guitar player and part of this trip will be devoted to buying some new

I hope to get a new guitar (with Floyd rose only as I already have a Les
Paul and Strat), a new analog delay (or 2 ; ), loop pedal, booster, fuzz and
anything else would be a great bonus. I've got approx US$1500 to spend and
maybe more if I can convince the missus "its an opportunity not to be missed
etc ....". I will be searching for USED gear predominantly but if I have
to I will buy new if its good value and I just "need to have it !!!".

The guitar will be my main purchase and if I have little $ to spend after
that I'll just get a used BBE 2 timer (would however love an EH memory man
deluxe) / Big muff & Jeckyl and Hyde pedals.
For the guitar I am only after a higher end axe (US or Japan) with Floyd
Rose such as: ESP (not LTD) - M1 or M2; Carvin; Ibanez Prestige (preferably
not with the V7 / V8 pup combo); Charvel So Cal; Washburn (WM526) and so on
.... I can't see my self playing with a Dean but you never know .... For
your info as others here have already stated in these newsgroups, good
equipment is really expensive here with the guitars I mentioned above
typically new > $3k some >5k (the Charvel is a bit better considering the
made in US stamp, Duncans and original FR its pbly my fall back guitar to
get in NY if I can't find something more exotic along the way)

As you can tell I generally know what I'm looking for and am after advice on
where / how to buy some of this stuff. I've heard that the West Coast has a
tax on every purchase not applicable to other States ??? Would you expect
prices to be cheaper say in New York or through central US ??? Also, are
there any Used gear mega shops I could visit along the way / you might
recommend in various cities?? Is it OK to haggle / bargain the prices down
at various stores without appearing to be a @&%)@% ??? Is there any point
in looking through used gear web sites (I've stumbled upon a couple however
the gear is all over the place and the missus is not going to appreciate
driving accross the US just to go looking for an axe - she's already on
board with the above so I figure I shouln't push it). I'll have 5 nights
in NY at the end of the trip so that would be the pace for me to see more /
bigger stores ??? If you can give me any tips I may not be aware of etc..
how I should approach this ........

Anyway, any assistance would be appreciated - the way I see its all good no
matter what I end up buying so I can't wait. This will be a fantastic trip
and if I can come home with a Washburn WM526 & Triple Recto in my suitcase
for under $1500 (just kidding)... I'll just be over the moon.

Thanks for your help - I'll be checking the News Groups (no emails plse) for
any responses. Thanks in advance, and if you think there are any good shows
/ things I should or should not see along the way my ears are open to all
suggestions. BTW the trip will take us from LA, San Fran, Vegas, Memphis,
Nashville, Niagra Falls to NY and I'm getting a cowboy hat on the way too

2010-09-29 22:04:30 UTC
Post by Shel_Steph
Hi there, I'm from Queensland Australia and I've been reading these news
groups for a while although I have yet to post.
As stated in the header I'll be in the states next week, for approx 3
weeks. I'll be driving from L.A to New York via Nashville with the missus
and obviously other places along the way. Really looking forward to it,
particularly since the dollar is just about 1:1 at the moment. I'm a keen
guitar player and part of this trip will be devoted to buying some new
I hope to get a new guitar (with Floyd rose only as I already have a Les
Paul and Strat), a new analog delay (or 2 ; ), loop pedal, booster, fuzz
and anything else would be a great bonus. I've got approx US$1500 to
spend and maybe more if I can convince the missus "its an opportunity not
to be missed etc ....". I will be searching for USED gear predominantly
but if I have to I will buy new if its good value and I just "need to have
it !!!".
The guitar will be my main purchase and if I have little $ to spend after
that I'll just get a used BBE 2 timer (would however love an EH memory man
deluxe) / Big muff & Jeckyl and Hyde pedals.
For the guitar I am only after a higher end axe (US or Japan) with Floyd
Rose such as: ESP (not LTD) - M1 or M2; Carvin; Ibanez Prestige
(preferably not with the V7 / V8 pup combo); Charvel So Cal; Washburn
(WM526) and so on .... I can't see my self playing with a Dean but you
never know .... For your info as others here have already stated in these
newsgroups, good equipment is really expensive here with the guitars I
mentioned above typically new > $3k some >5k (the Charvel is a bit better
considering the made in US stamp, Duncans and original FR its pbly my fall
back guitar to get in NY if I can't find something more exotic along the
As you can tell I generally know what I'm looking for and am after advice
on where / how to buy some of this stuff. I've heard that the West Coast
has a tax on every purchase not applicable to other States ??? Would you
expect prices to be cheaper say in New York or through central US ???
Also, are there any Used gear mega shops I could visit along the way / you
might recommend in various cities?? Is it OK to haggle / bargain the
there any point in looking through used gear web sites (I've stumbled upon
a couple however the gear is all over the place and the missus is not
going to appreciate driving accross the US just to go looking for an axe -
she's already on board with the above so I figure I shouln't push it).
I'll have 5 nights in NY at the end of the trip so that would be the pace
for me to see more / bigger stores ??? If you can give me any tips I may
not be aware of etc.. how I should approach this ........
Anyway, any assistance would be appreciated - the way I see its all good
no matter what I end up buying so I can't wait. This will be a fantastic
trip and if I can come home with a Washburn WM526 & Triple Recto in my
suitcase for under $1500 (just kidding)... I'll just be over the moon.
Thanks for your help - I'll be checking the News Groups (no emails plse)
for any responses. Thanks in advance, and if you think there are any good
shows / things I should or should not see along the way my ears are open
to all suggestions. BTW the trip will take us from LA, San Fran, Vegas,
Memphis, Nashville, Niagra Falls to NY and I'm getting a cowboy hat on the
way too ......
That's quite a trip you have planned. I think you'll hit some good places
along the way too. Be sure to stop by Gruhn Guitars in Nashville just for
grins. I was there a couple of years ago and I had never seen anything like

It's fine to haggle prices about anywhere. I usually ask if they match
prices. If it's a small mom and pop I usually pay retail but that's just me.

5 days in NYC is quite a bit of time. What's better is the Smithsonian in
Washington DC. I'd do at least one day there instead. Check out the Museum
of Natural History and Museum of American History. If you're in DC on Oct
30th you could go to the Colbert and Stewart rallies. You might even bump
into me.

Niagra Falls is great. Make sure to go at night and spend some time on the
Canadian side too.

NYC is just like any other big city. You can get some pretty good deals
there. Subways are great there. Traffic in DC and NYC is unbearable. Vegas
is a good "one-time" place to visit but once you've seen one big casino
you've seen them all. Shows are going to be better in NYC so I wouldn't
waste too much money on them in Vegas unless there is someone there you
gotta see. BTW: Since you're in Vegas, going to the Grand Canyon and Hoover
Dam is a must.

You're going to have a great time. :-)

2010-09-29 23:26:42 UTC
Post by Shel_Steph
Hi there, I'm from Queensland Australia and I've been reading these news
groups for a while although I have yet to post.
As stated in the header I'll be in the states next week, for approx 3
weeks. I'll be driving from L.A to New York via Nashville with the missus
and obviously other places along the way. Really looking forward to it,
particularly since the dollar is just about 1:1 at the moment. I'm a keen
guitar player and part of this trip will be devoted to buying some new
I hope to get a new guitar (with Floyd rose only as I already have a Les
Paul and Strat), a new analog delay (or 2 ; ), loop pedal, booster, fuzz
and anything else would be a great bonus. I've got approx US$1500 to
spend and maybe more if I can convince the missus "its an opportunity not
to be missed etc ....". I will be searching for USED gear predominantly
but if I have to I will buy new if its good value and I just "need to have
it !!!".
The guitar will be my main purchase and if I have little $ to spend after
that I'll just get a used BBE 2 timer (would however love an EH memory man
deluxe) / Big muff & Jeckyl and Hyde pedals.
For the guitar I am only after a higher end axe (US or Japan) with Floyd
Rose such as: ESP (not LTD) - M1 or M2; Carvin; Ibanez Prestige
(preferably not with the V7 / V8 pup combo); Charvel So Cal; Washburn
(WM526) and so on .... I can't see my self playing with a Dean but you
never know .... For your info as others here have already stated in these
newsgroups, good equipment is really expensive here with the guitars I
mentioned above typically new > $3k some >5k (the Charvel is a bit better
considering the made in US stamp, Duncans and original FR its pbly my fall
back guitar to get in NY if I can't find something more exotic along the
As you can tell I generally know what I'm looking for and am after advice
on where / how to buy some of this stuff. I've heard that the West Coast
has a tax on every purchase not applicable to other States ??? Would you
expect prices to be cheaper say in New York or through central US ???
Also, are there any Used gear mega shops I could visit along the way / you
might recommend in various cities?? Is it OK to haggle / bargain the
there any point in looking through used gear web sites (I've stumbled upon
a couple however the gear is all over the place and the missus is not
going to appreciate driving accross the US just to go looking for an axe -
she's already on board with the above so I figure I shouln't push it).
I'll have 5 nights in NY at the end of the trip so that would be the pace
for me to see more / bigger stores ??? If you can give me any tips I may
not be aware of etc.. how I should approach this ........
Anyway, any assistance would be appreciated - the way I see its all good
no matter what I end up buying so I can't wait. This will be a fantastic
trip and if I can come home with a Washburn WM526 & Triple Recto in my
suitcase for under $1500 (just kidding)... I'll just be over the moon.
Thanks for your help - I'll be checking the News Groups (no emails plse)
for any responses. Thanks in advance, and if you think there are any good
shows / things I should or should not see along the way my ears are open
to all suggestions. BTW the trip will take us from LA, San Fran, Vegas,
Memphis, Nashville, Niagra Falls to NY and I'm getting a cowboy hat on the
way too
Most states have sales taxes, I don't think you'd find California unusual in
that respect.

Cost of living varies enormously from one part of the country to another,
and guitar prices may reflect that trend to some degree. If it were me, I
might check out music stores in a smaller city (maybe for you, Buffalo NY if
you'll be at Niagara Falls).

Gruhn's in Nashville is definitely worth a look as Jim said but don't expect
any bargains!

And yes, haggle. The economy's more-or-less in tatters here and these folks
want to make a sale. The worst they can do is say no!
2010-09-30 02:34:02 UTC
Post by Shel_Steph
As you can tell I generally know what I'm looking for and am after advice
on where / how to buy some of this stuff. I've heard that the West Coast
has a tax on every purchase not applicable to other States ???
Depends which state, for example Oregon has no state sales tax but there can
be local sales taxes. Look into whether you can get a refund of the sales
tax for merchandise being exported, that can be arranged in some states
although you might have to have the goods shipped to Oz rather than taking
them with you.

Are you planning to buy a flight case for the guitar? If not you are
rolling the dice on what condition it will be in when you get it home.

Good luck, and have fun.
2010-09-30 07:20:26 UTC
Post by Shel_Steph
Hi there, I'm from Queensland Australia and I've been reading these news
groups for a while although I have yet to post.
As stated in the header I'll be in the states next week, for approx 3 weeks.
I'll be driving from L.A to New York via Nashville with the missus and
obviously other places along the way. Really looking forward to it,
particularly since the dollar is just about 1:1 at the moment. I'm a keen
guitar player and part of this trip will be devoted to buying some new
I hope to get a new guitar (with Floyd rose only as I already have a Les
Paul and Strat), a new analog delay (or 2 ; ), loop pedal, booster, fuzz and
anything else would be a great bonus. I've got approx US$1500 to spend and
maybe more if I can convince the missus "its an opportunity not to be missed
etc ....". I will be searching for USED gear predominantly but if I have
to I will buy new if its good value and I just "need to have it !!!".
The guitar will be my main purchase and if I have little $ to spend after
that I'll just get a used BBE 2 timer (would however love an EH memory man
deluxe) / Big muff & Jeckyl and Hyde pedals.
For the guitar I am only after a higher end axe (US or Japan) with Floyd
Rose such as: ESP (not LTD) - M1 or M2; Carvin; Ibanez Prestige (preferably
not with the V7 / V8 pup combo); Charvel So Cal; Washburn (WM526) and so on
.... I can't see my self playing with a Dean but you never know .... For
your info as others here have already stated in these newsgroups, good
equipment is really expensive here with the guitars I mentioned above
typically new > $3k some >5k (the Charvel is a bit better considering the
made in US stamp, Duncans and original FR its pbly my fall back guitar to
get in NY if I can't find something more exotic along the way)
As you can tell I generally know what I'm looking for and am after advice on
where / how to buy some of this stuff. I've heard that the West Coast has a
tax on every purchase not applicable to other States ??? Would you expect
prices to be cheaper say in New York or through central US ??? Also, are
there any Used gear mega shops I could visit along the way / you might
recommend in various cities?? Is it OK to haggle / bargain the prices down
in looking through used gear web sites (I've stumbled upon a couple however
the gear is all over the place and the missus is not going to appreciate
driving accross the US just to go looking for an axe - she's already on
board with the above so I figure I shouln't push it). I'll have 5 nights
in NY at the end of the trip so that would be the pace for me to see more /
bigger stores ??? If you can give me any tips I may not be aware of etc..
how I should approach this ........
Anyway, any assistance would be appreciated - the way I see its all good no
matter what I end up buying so I can't wait. This will be a fantastic trip
and if I can come home with a Washburn WM526 & Triple Recto in my suitcase
for under $1500 (just kidding)... I'll just be over the moon.
Thanks for your help - I'll be checking the News Groups (no emails plse) for
any responses. Thanks in advance, and if you think there are any good shows
/ things I should or should not see along the way my ears are open to all
suggestions. BTW the trip will take us from LA, San Fran, Vegas, Memphis,
Nashville, Niagra Falls to NY and I'm getting a cowboy hat on the way too
I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane). Would love to be doing that now. I did a subset of it
in '98 and bought a great old Strat in San Francisco (Strat Plus-ish features but with
standard vintage pickups - still don't know where it fits in). Bought a good Fender case
too, and took it home as cabin luggage, so had some interesting chats with every muso on
the flight home.

But I digress. Why do you want a Floyd Rose? Or for that matter any guitar with a locking
nut (PITA)? Maybe it's just me, but each time I pick up one and reach for a tuner
mid-song, it's a crap shoot whether I'll break the string before I remember you can't do
that. Good tuners and a good nut are WAY better. Almost all my guitars now have very
stable tuners etc, but Floyd Rose or not, big temperature changes mean re-tuning (nobody
has yet worked out a way to make the CTE of wood match the CTE of steel), so for me at
least, the one guitar I have (out of 33) with a Floyd Rose is the one I never use.

Still envying the trip.

Cheers, Tony
2010-10-01 21:19:53 UTC
Post by Tony
I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane).
Cheers, Tony
So, porno fetish boy turns out not to be American.

Surprise, surprise....

He's all yours, Australia!

2010-10-02 00:33:18 UTC
Post by McGarnagle
Post by Tony
I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane).
Cheers, Tony
So, porno fetish boy turns out not to be American.
Surprise, surprise....
He's all yours, Australia!
Congrats on being the FIRST sender posting at alt.guitar.effects to make

2010-10-02 00:40:55 UTC
Post by Jim
Post by McGarnagle
Post by Tony
I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane).
Cheers, Tony
So, porno fetish boy turns out not to be American.
Surprise, surprise....
He's all yours, Australia!
Congrats on being the FIRST sender posting at alt.guitar.effects to make
What's really funny is he doesn't even know who he's trying to insult.

2010-10-02 01:15:17 UTC
Post by JimT
Post by Jim
Post by McGarnagle
Post by Tony
I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane).
Cheers, Tony
So, porno fetish boy turns out not to be American.
Surprise, surprise....
He's all yours, Australia!
Congrats on being the FIRST sender posting at alt.guitar.effects to make
What's really funny is he doesn't even know who he's trying to insult.
It's Jim, formerly Masturbating Betty
Fat and dumb and just as sweaty
Ran away, frightened and scared
Made fun of because he's weird
Couldn't figure out a Boss recorder
He's an AGA dumbshit made to order
Went to court with the animal attorney
Now they're happily on their gay liberal journey
2010-10-02 01:59:19 UTC
Post by McGarnagle
Post by JimT
Post by Jim
Post by McGarnagle
Post by Tony
I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane).
Cheers, Tony
So, porno fetish boy turns out not to be American.
Surprise, surprise....
He's all yours, Australia!
Congrats on being the FIRST sender posting at alt.guitar.effects to make
What's really funny is he doesn't even know who he's trying to insult.
It's Jim, formerly Masturbating Betty
Fat and dumb and just as sweaty
Ran away, frightened and scared
Made fun of because he's weird
Couldn't figure out a Boss recorder
He's an AGA dumbshit made to order
Went to court with the animal attorney
Now they're happily on their gay liberal journey
We all know that they say about guys that call other men gay, don't we?
2010-10-02 02:08:23 UTC
He's part of the aga clan that is obsessed with gays. BTW: McG is one of
MVM's personas. He thinks no one knows. Another joke on him.

Tony Elka
2010-10-02 02:09:02 UTC
Post by JimT
He's part of the aga clan that is obsessed with gays. BTW: McG is one of
MVM's personas. He thinks no one knows. Another joke on him.
I didn't know. Don't care either.

2010-10-03 02:48:16 UTC
On Fri, 01 Oct 2010 19:09:02 -0700, Tony Elka
Post by Tony Elka
Post by JimT
He's part of the aga clan that is obsessed with gays. BTW: McG is one of
MVM's personas. He thinks no one knows. Another joke on him.
I didn't know. Don't care either.
Hey Tony, when the chick's ass starts to bleed in your spanking/caning
fetish videos, is that considered the cumshot? Does the sight of
bloody butt cheeeks excite you even more?

Just wondering....
2010-10-03 02:45:06 UTC
Post by JimT
He's part of the aga clan that is obsessed with gays. BTW: McG is one of
MVM's personas. He thinks no one knows. Another joke on him.
Yeah... the joke's on me.

2010-10-04 18:28:06 UTC
Post by JimT
He's part of the aga clan that is obsessed with gays. BTW: McG is one of
MVM's personas. He thinks no one knows. Another joke on him.
Could very well be. Sounds like the same guy as Rusty Shackleford.
Both monikers come from cartoons (a hint?). And MVM was ID's as
Shackleford by at least one person in the past.

If so, the guy has WAY too much time on his hands!
2010-10-05 01:32:55 UTC
Post by Jim
Post by JimT
He's part of the aga clan that is obsessed with gays. BTW: McG is one of
MVM's personas. He thinks no one knows. Another joke on him.
Could very well be. Sounds like the same guy as Rusty Shackleford.
Both monikers come from cartoons (a hint?). And MVM was ID's as
Shackleford by at least one person in the past.
If so, the guy has WAY too much time on his hands!

I was Shackleford, you idiot. Mulay *never* posted as Shackleford.

You guys are just figuring out shit every knew years ago. You're as
slow as a fucking Mole's Asses.

Again, good luck with the Mulay comparison, shows how completely
confused and stupid you both are...
Merely my opinion
2010-10-07 20:32:07 UTC
Post by JimT
He's part of the aga clan that is obsessed with gays. BTW: McG is one of
MVM's personas. He thinks no one knows. Another joke on him.
I haven't looked into this waste in quite a while. Jim, your assertion
is completely incorrect. Not that facts/truth/integrity
or purposeful humor flung at marginal intellects register as such with
on-line (only) wannabe bullies. Perhaps I'll check
back in another year- perhaps not.

Meanwhile, and EXCELLENT treatise:

Robert B. Reich

Alfred A. Knopf publishing

Salient points:

The vast American middle class saw the end of upward mobility begin
around 1975. Wages flattened and increasingly, profits began to go to
the top. Since then, three primary coping mechanisms were used to put
off the reckoning which hit with a vengeance recently ("The Great

1. Women moved into paid work.
2. Everyone worked longer hours.
3. Savings were drawn down and everyone borrowed to the hilt.

Those three have finally been exhausted. mvm
Lord Valve
2010-10-10 20:35:49 UTC
Liar, thief, plagiarist, pervert, creep and all-around disgusting piece of
Post by Merely my opinion
I haven't looked into this waste in quite a while.
Yeah, seven entire fuckin' days.

Counting socks no-one can recognize yet, who knows?


2010-10-03 02:44:07 UTC
Post by Jim
Post by McGarnagle
Post by JimT
Post by Jim
Post by McGarnagle
Post by Tony
I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane).
Cheers, Tony
So, porno fetish boy turns out not to be American.
Surprise, surprise....
He's all yours, Australia!
Congrats on being the FIRST sender posting at alt.guitar.effects to make
What's really funny is he doesn't even know who he's trying to insult.
It's Jim, formerly Masturbating Betty
Fat and dumb and just as sweaty
Ran away, frightened and scared
Made fun of because he's weird
Couldn't figure out a Boss recorder
He's an AGA dumbshit made to order
Went to court with the animal attorney
Now they're happily on their gay liberal journey
We all know that they say about guys that call other men gay, don't we?
We all know what they say about liberals who announce to the world
that they have killfiled somebody and then respond to them the very
next day, don't we?
2010-10-02 01:08:36 UTC
Post by Jim
Post by McGarnagle
Post by Tony
I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane).
Cheers, Tony
So, porno fetish boy turns out not to be American.
Surprise, surprise....
He's all yours, Australia!
Congrats on being the FIRST sender posting at alt.guitar.effects to make
Little liberal Jim Anable
On the run and scared as hell
Lost his job as a dog lawyer
Now he's pushing a lawn mower
Went with a 10 year old and saw Green Day
A former Deaniac and proudly gay
Guaranteded a Kerry victory in 2004
Now he's beating it to Tony's whore
2010-10-02 01:55:36 UTC
Post by McGarnagle
Post by Jim
Post by McGarnagle
Post by Tony
I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane).
Cheers, Tony
So, porno fetish boy turns out not to be American.
Surprise, surprise....
He's all yours, Australia!
Congrats on being the FIRST sender posting at alt.guitar.effects to make
Little liberal Jim Anable
On the run and scared as hell
Lost his job as a dog lawyer
Now he's pushing a lawn mower
Went with a 10 year old and saw Green Day
A former Deaniac and proudly gay
Guaranteded a Kerry victory in 2004
Now he's beating it to Tony's whore
Second congrats. Now you're KILL-FILED from alt.guitar as well!

Guys, do yourselves a favor and kill file this moron. Visit AGA to see
2010-10-03 02:54:14 UTC
Post by Jim
Post by McGarnagle
Post by Jim
Post by McGarnagle
Post by Tony
I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane).
Cheers, Tony
So, porno fetish boy turns out not to be American.
Surprise, surprise....
He's all yours, Australia!
Congrats on being the FIRST sender posting at alt.guitar.effects to make
Little liberal Jim Anable
On the run and scared as hell
Lost his job as a dog lawyer
Now he's pushing a lawn mower
Went with a 10 year old and saw Green Day
A former Deaniac and proudly gay
Guaranteded a Kerry victory in 2004
Now he's beating it to Tony's whore
Second congrats. Now you're KILL-FILED from alt.guitar as well!
Guys, do yourselves a favor and kill file this moron. Visit AGA to see
Yeah, google "Jim Anable" in AGA and witness my total PWNAGE of him
and why he turned to imaginary killfilters.

Highly recommended is Jim's story of taking a trip with a bunch of 10
yo girls to a Green Day concert and his hots for Billie Jo Armstrong.

"Billie Jo yelled 'Bush is stupid' into the mic and the crowd went
nuts. I don't think he's going to be re-elected." - Jim Anable, former
Deaniac, on the reaction of 12,000 pre-teen girls
Tony Elka
2010-10-02 02:08:15 UTC
Post by Jim
Post by McGarnagle
Post by Tony
I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane).
Cheers, Tony
So, porno fetish boy turns out not to be American.
Surprise, surprise....
He's all yours, Australia!
Congrats on being the FIRST sender posting at alt.guitar.effects to make
I was born in America (Los Angeles, California) and so were both of my

I'm every bit as American as our president.

Who's from Australia? Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News. And that
shrimp on the barbie guy.

2010-10-03 02:55:47 UTC
On Fri, 01 Oct 2010 19:08:15 -0700, Tony Elka
Post by Tony Elka
Post by Jim
Post by McGarnagle
Post by Tony
I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane).
Cheers, Tony
So, porno fetish boy turns out not to be American.
Surprise, surprise....
He's all yours, Australia!
Congrats on being the FIRST sender posting at alt.guitar.effects to make
I was born in America (Los Angeles, California) and so were both of my
I'm every bit as American as our president.
Who's from Australia? Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News. And that
shrimp on the barbie guy.
So who says "I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane)" when they were born
in Los Angeles?

One too many spanks to the head, smutboy?
2010-10-03 03:36:18 UTC
On Sat, 02 Oct 2010 19:55:47 -0700, McGarnagle
Post by McGarnagle
On Fri, 01 Oct 2010 19:08:15 -0700, Tony Elka
Post by Tony Elka
Post by Jim
Post by McGarnagle
Post by Tony
I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane).
Cheers, Tony
So, porno fetish boy turns out not to be American.
Surprise, surprise....
He's all yours, Australia!
Congrats on being the FIRST sender posting at alt.guitar.effects to make
I was born in America (Los Angeles, California) and so were both of my
I'm every bit as American as our president.
Who's from Australia? Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News. And that
shrimp on the barbie guy.
So who says "I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane)" when they were born
in Los Angeles?
One too many spanks to the head, smutboy?
Never mind. Looks like Tony "E" is an American after all, just like
Lee Oswald and Jeffrey Dahmer. Shit!

My apologies to the other Tony in the other group for dragging his
name in the mud like that.

2010-10-04 12:17:09 UTC
Post by McGarnagle
On Sat, 02 Oct 2010 19:55:47 -0700, McGarnagle
Post by McGarnagle
On Fri, 01 Oct 2010 19:08:15 -0700, Tony Elka
Post by Tony Elka
Post by Jim
Post by McGarnagle
Post by Tony
I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane).
Cheers, Tony
So, porno fetish boy turns out not to be American.
Surprise, surprise....
He's all yours, Australia!
Congrats on being the FIRST sender posting at alt.guitar.effects to make
I was born in America (Los Angeles, California) and so were both of my
I'm every bit as American as our president.
Who's from Australia? Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News. And that
shrimp on the barbie guy.
So who says "I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane)" when they were born
in Los Angeles?
One too many spanks to the head, smutboy?
Never mind. Looks like Tony "E" is an American after all, just like
Lee Oswald and Jeffrey Dahmer. Shit!
My apologies to the other Tony in the other group for dragging his
name in the mud like that.
Apology accepted. I've posted on many ngs over many years on a number of (mostly
technical) subjects, and this is the first time anyone has mistaken me for one of the
cretins that inhabit this world. So I guess that's not a bad average.

Tony Elka
2010-10-04 17:05:41 UTC
Post by Tony
Apology accepted. I've posted on many ngs over many years on a number of (mostly
technical) subjects, and this is the first time anyone has mistaken me for one of the
cretins that inhabit this world. So I guess that's not a bad average.
What did I ever do to you?

2010-10-05 01:26:56 UTC
On Mon, 04 Oct 2010 10:05:41 -0700, Tony Elka
Post by Tony Elka
Post by Tony
Apology accepted. I've posted on many ngs over many years on a number of (mostly
technical) subjects, and this is the first time anyone has mistaken me for one of the
cretins that inhabit this world. So I guess that's not a bad average.
What did I ever do to you?
He has the misfortune of sharing your porno stage name.

Tony Elka, American (not to be confused with any other Tony), and his

2010-10-02 02:48:23 UTC
Post by Jim
Post by McGarnagle
Post by Tony
I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane).
Cheers, Tony
So, porno fetish boy turns out not to be American.
Surprise, surprise....
He's all yours, Australia!
Congrats on being the FIRST sender posting at alt.guitar.effects to make
<responding through your post because he's already in my KF>
Typical that the clueless loser McGoofball isn't aware that he's mocking
someone other than who he thinks he's mocking. "Oh, those Tonys, they all
look alike to me."
Tony Elka
2010-10-02 03:44:28 UTC
Post by RichL
<responding through your post because he's already in my KF>
Typical that the clueless loser McGoofball isn't aware that he's mocking
someone other than who he thinks he's mocking. "Oh, those Tonys, they all
look alike to me."
Perhaps he should receive a Tony award.

2010-10-02 06:16:05 UTC
Post by Tony Elka
Post by RichL
<responding through your post because he's already in my KF>
Typical that the clueless loser McGoofball isn't aware that he's mocking
someone other than who he thinks he's mocking. "Oh, those Tonys, they all
look alike to me."
Perhaps he should receive a Tony award.
That would be nice, then he'd have something to go with that that Deep-Fry
Technician Of The Month certificate he's so proud of.
2010-10-03 03:00:45 UTC
Post by RichL
Post by Jim
Post by McGarnagle
Post by Tony
I'm from Queensland too (Brisbane).
Cheers, Tony
So, porno fetish boy turns out not to be American.
Surprise, surprise....
He's all yours, Australia!
Congrats on being the FIRST sender posting at alt.guitar.effects to make
<responding through your post because he's already in my KF>
Typical that the clueless loser McGoofball isn't aware that he's mocking
someone other than who he thinks he's mocking. "Oh, those Tonys, they all
look alike to me."
Hey, DickL wins one!

Good for you, DickL!

Maybe now you won't be so afraid of me and you'll quit hiding behind
your imaginary klillfilter?

See how easy that was, I admitted I was wrong. If you could ever do
the same, there would be no problems between us... same with that
cocksucking, neocon-turned-lib-pussy Devin.
2010-09-30 16:54:46 UTC
Post by Shel_Steph
Hi there, I'm from Queensland Australia and I've been reading these news
groups for a while although I have yet to post.
As stated in the header I'll be in the states next week, for approx 3
weeks. I'll be driving from L.A to New York via Nashville with the
missus and obviously other places along the way. Really looking forward
to it, particularly since the dollar is just about 1:1 at the moment.
I'm a keen guitar player and part of this trip will be devoted to buying
some new gear.
I hope to get a new guitar (with Floyd rose only as I already have a Les
Paul and Strat), a new analog delay (or 2 ; ), loop pedal, booster, fuzz
and anything else would be a great bonus. I've got approx US$1500 to
spend and maybe more if I can convince the missus "its an opportunity
not to be missed etc ....". I will be searching for USED gear
predominantly but if I have to I will buy new if its good value and I
just "need to have it !!!".
The guitar will be my main purchase and if I have little $ to spend
after that I'll just get a used BBE 2 timer (would however love an EH
memory man deluxe) / Big muff & Jeckyl and Hyde pedals.
For the guitar I am only after a higher end axe (US or Japan) with Floyd
Rose such as: ESP (not LTD) - M1 or M2; Carvin; Ibanez Prestige
(preferably not with the V7 / V8 pup combo); Charvel So Cal; Washburn
(WM526) and so on .... I can't see my self playing with a Dean but you
never know .... For your info as others here have already stated in
these newsgroups, good equipment is really expensive here with the
guitars I mentioned above typically new > $3k some >5k (the Charvel is a
bit better considering the made in US stamp, Duncans and original FR its
pbly my fall back guitar to get in NY if I can't find something more
exotic along the way)
As you can tell I generally know what I'm looking for and am after
advice on where / how to buy some of this stuff. I've heard that the
West Coast has a tax on every purchase not applicable to other States
No taxes for CRAIGSLIST purchases from private parties! You'll get the
best deals that way.

How bad will you get dinged when you claim the stuff on the way home?
Post by Shel_Steph
Would you expect prices to be cheaper say in New York or through
central US ???
Hard to say. Bargains are where you find them, but you'll probably have
much better luck finding a Floyd Rose equipped guitar in LA or NYC than
in backwoods towns. On the other hand, prices may be lower in
economically depressed areas.
Post by Shel_Steph
Also, are there any Used gear mega shops I could visit
along the way / you might recommend in various cities?? Is it OK to
haggle / bargain the prices down at various stores without appearing to
You might look like a fool if you don't attempt to bargain! I don't
think I've ever paid full price for a piece of used gear from a music
store. Or for 90% of new stuff, for that matter (they won't deal on
some gear, but it's usually the exception to the rule).
Post by Shel_Steph
Is there any point in looking through used gear web
Try used.guitarcenter.com
Post by Shel_Steph
(I've stumbled upon a couple however the gear is all over the
place and the missus is not going to appreciate driving accross the US
just to go looking for an axe - she's already on board with the above so
I figure I shouln't push it). I'll have 5 nights in NY at the end of the
trip so that would be the pace for me to see more / bigger stores ??? If
you can give me any tips I may not be aware of etc.. how I should
approach this ........
Anyway, any assistance would be appreciated - the way I see its all good
no matter what I end up buying so I can't wait. This will be a fantastic
trip and if I can come home with a Washburn WM526 & Triple Recto in my
suitcase for under $1500 (just kidding)... I'll just be over the moon.
Thanks for your help - I'll be checking the News Groups (no emails plse)
for any responses. Thanks in advance, and if you think there are any
good shows / things I should or should not see along the way my ears are
open to all suggestions. BTW the trip will take us from LA, San Fran,
Vegas, Memphis, Nashville, Niagra Falls to NY and I'm getting a cowboy
hat on the way too ......
2010-09-30 17:57:47 UTC
Post by Shel_Steph
Hi there, I'm from Queensland Australia and I've been reading these news
groups for a while although I have yet to post.
As stated in the header I'll be in the states next week, for approx 3 weeks.
I'll be driving from L.A to New York via Nashville with the missus and
obviously other places along the way.  Really looking forward to it,
particularly since the dollar is just about 1:1 at the moment.  I'm a keen
guitar  player and part of this trip will be devoted to buying some new
I hope to get a new guitar (with Floyd rose only as I already have a Les
Paul and Strat), a new analog delay (or 2 ; ), loop pedal, booster, fuzz and
anything else would be a great bonus.  I've got approx US$1500 to spend and
maybe more if I can convince the missus "its an opportunity not to be missed
etc ....".   I will be searching for USED gear predominantly but if I have
to I will buy new if its good value and I just "need to have it !!!".
The guitar will be my main purchase and if I have little $ to spend after
that I'll just get a used BBE 2 timer (would however love an EH memory man
deluxe) / Big muff & Jeckyl and Hyde pedals.
For the guitar I am only after a higher end axe (US or Japan) with Floyd
Rose such as:  ESP (not LTD) - M1 or M2; Carvin; Ibanez Prestige (preferably
not with the V7 / V8 pup combo);  Charvel So Cal; Washburn (WM526) and so on
.... I can't see my self playing with a Dean but you never know ....  For
your info as others here have already stated in these newsgroups,  good
equipment is really expensive here with the guitars I mentioned above
typically new > $3k some >5k (the Charvel is a bit better considering the
made in US stamp, Duncans and original FR its pbly my fall back guitar to
get in NY if I can't find something more exotic along the way)
As you can tell I generally know what I'm looking for and am after advice on
where / how to buy some of this stuff.  I've heard that the West Coast has a
tax on every purchase not applicable to other States ???  Would you expect
prices to be cheaper say in New York or through central US ???  Also, are
there any Used gear mega shops I could visit along the way / you might
recommend in various cities?? Is it OK to haggle / bargain the prices down
in looking through used gear web sites (I've stumbled upon a couple however
the gear is all over the place and the missus is not going to appreciate
driving accross the US just to go looking for an axe - she's already on
board with the above so I figure I shouln't push it).   I'll have 5 nights
in NY at the end of the trip so that would be the pace for me to see more /
bigger stores ???  If you can give me any tips I may not be aware of etc..
how I should approach this ........
Anyway, any assistance would be appreciated - the way I see its all good no
matter what I end up buying so I can't wait.  This will be a fantastic trip
and if I can come home with a Washburn WM526 & Triple Recto in my suitcase
for under $1500 (just kidding)... I'll just be over the moon.
Thanks for your help - I'll be checking the News Groups (no emails plse) for
any responses.  Thanks in advance, and if you think there are any good shows
/ things I should or should not see along the way my ears are open to all
suggestions.  BTW the trip will take us from LA, San Fran, Vegas, Memphis,
Nashville, Niagra Falls to NY and I'm getting a cowboy hat on the way too
Carvins are phenomenal guitars, but are not a collector's wet dream.
If can locate a used one, chances are the price will be right, leaving
you plenty for other toys.

Niagara Falls (US) is a shanty town pit. Niagara Falls (Ontario,
Canada) is cleaner, but over-developed & tacky like a bad Vegas
outpost. If you're in the area (US side), you may want to trek down
to Buffalo & experience a bit of history/legend:


Besides the hot wings, try the beef on weck. Real good, blue-collar

Sac Dave
2010-10-01 14:33:02 UTC
Post by Shel_Steph
Hi there, I'm from Queensland Australia and I've been reading these news
groups for a while although I have yet to post.
As stated in the header I'll be in the states next week, for approx 3 weeks.
I'll be driving from L.A to New York via Nashville with the missus and
obviously other places along the way.  Really looking forward to it,
particularly since the dollar is just about 1:1 at the moment.  I'm a keen
guitar  player and part of this trip will be devoted to buying some new
I hope to get a new guitar (with Floyd rose only as I already have a Les
Paul and Strat), a new analog delay (or 2 ; ), loop pedal, booster, fuzz and
anything else would be a great bonus.  I've got approx US$1500 to spend and
maybe more if I can convince the missus "its an opportunity not to be missed
etc ....".   I will be searching for USED gear predominantly but if I have
to I will buy new if its good value and I just "need to have it !!!".
The guitar will be my main purchase and if I have little $ to spend after
that I'll just get a used BBE 2 timer (would however love an EH memory man
deluxe) / Big muff & Jeckyl and Hyde pedals.
For the guitar I am only after a higher end axe (US or Japan) with Floyd
Rose such as:  ESP (not LTD) - M1 or M2; Carvin; Ibanez Prestige (preferably
not with the V7 / V8 pup combo);  Charvel So Cal; Washburn (WM526) and so on
.... I can't see my self playing with a Dean but you never know ....  For
your info as others here have already stated in these newsgroups,  good
equipment is really expensive here with the guitars I mentioned above
typically new > $3k some >5k (the Charvel is a bit better considering the
made in US stamp, Duncans and original FR its pbly my fall back guitar to
get in NY if I can't find something more exotic along the way)
As you can tell I generally know what I'm looking for and am after advice on
where / how to buy some of this stuff.  I've heard that the West Coast has a
tax on every purchase not applicable to other States ???  Would you expect
prices to be cheaper say in New York or through central US ???  Also, are
there any Used gear mega shops I could visit along the way / you might
recommend in various cities?? Is it OK to haggle / bargain the prices down
in looking through used gear web sites (I've stumbled upon a couple however
the gear is all over the place and the missus is not going to appreciate
driving accross the US just to go looking for an axe - she's already on
board with the above so I figure I shouln't push it).   I'll have 5 nights
in NY at the end of the trip so that would be the pace for me to see more /
bigger stores ???  If you can give me any tips I may not be aware of etc..
how I should approach this ........
Anyway, any assistance would be appreciated - the way I see its all good no
matter what I end up buying so I can't wait.  This will be a fantastic trip
and if I can come home with a Washburn WM526 & Triple Recto in my suitcase
for under $1500 (just kidding)... I'll just be over the moon.
Thanks for your help - I'll be checking the News Groups (no emails plse) for
any responses.  Thanks in advance, and if you think there are any good shows
/ things I should or should not see along the way my ears are open to all
suggestions.  BTW the trip will take us from LA, San Fran, Vegas, Memphis,
Nashville, Niagra Falls to NY and I'm getting a cowboy hat on the way too
Wow I live in the states, I like to go on that trip, Only part of the
trip I could comment on is the SF visit , I grew up on the other side
of the big red bridge. Depending on your time frame in each city
( probably not much) in SF I would hit the Fisherman’s Warf & pier 39
area always fun great restaurants hard to go wrong ( Scomas is my
favorite), if you wants some live music this place http://www.louspier47.com/
. Other than that in the SF area a trip across the big red bridge is
a must, might hit Sausalito on the Marin side fun town to walk around.
Dress warm SF a hot day is 80. You might also consider one your way
out of California a stop at Lake Tahoe http://www.visitinglaketahoe.com/
. Now as for a guitar you’re on your own find a guitar not a brand.
Maybe check out one of the few Carvin stores there really nice guitars
for the money. I found this music store in Nashville searching the
origin of my Breedlove http://www.cottenmusic.com/index.html looks
like a lot of nice guitars to check out. Sounds like a fun trip but
not enough time oh well that’s any trip. Anyway have fun post your
experience as you go if you can or when you get home.