2010-09-29 21:26:52 UTC
Hi there, I'm from Queensland Australia and I've been reading these news
groups for a while although I have yet to post.
As stated in the header I'll be in the states next week, for approx 3 weeks.
I'll be driving from L.A to New York via Nashville with the missus and
obviously other places along the way. Really looking forward to it,
particularly since the dollar is just about 1:1 at the moment. I'm a keen
guitar player and part of this trip will be devoted to buying some new
I hope to get a new guitar (with Floyd rose only as I already have a Les
Paul and Strat), a new analog delay (or 2 ; ), loop pedal, booster, fuzz and
anything else would be a great bonus. I've got approx US$1500 to spend and
maybe more if I can convince the missus "its an opportunity not to be missed
etc ....". I will be searching for USED gear predominantly but if I have
to I will buy new if its good value and I just "need to have it !!!".
The guitar will be my main purchase and if I have little $ to spend after
that I'll just get a used BBE 2 timer (would however love an EH memory man
deluxe) / Big muff & Jeckyl and Hyde pedals.
For the guitar I am only after a higher end axe (US or Japan) with Floyd
Rose such as: ESP (not LTD) - M1 or M2; Carvin; Ibanez Prestige (preferably
not with the V7 / V8 pup combo); Charvel So Cal; Washburn (WM526) and so on
.... I can't see my self playing with a Dean but you never know .... For
your info as others here have already stated in these newsgroups, good
equipment is really expensive here with the guitars I mentioned above
typically new > $3k some >5k (the Charvel is a bit better considering the
made in US stamp, Duncans and original FR its pbly my fall back guitar to
get in NY if I can't find something more exotic along the way)
As you can tell I generally know what I'm looking for and am after advice on
where / how to buy some of this stuff. I've heard that the West Coast has a
tax on every purchase not applicable to other States ??? Would you expect
prices to be cheaper say in New York or through central US ??? Also, are
there any Used gear mega shops I could visit along the way / you might
recommend in various cities?? Is it OK to haggle / bargain the prices down
at various stores without appearing to be a @&%)@% ??? Is there any point
in looking through used gear web sites (I've stumbled upon a couple however
the gear is all over the place and the missus is not going to appreciate
driving accross the US just to go looking for an axe - she's already on
board with the above so I figure I shouln't push it). I'll have 5 nights
in NY at the end of the trip so that would be the pace for me to see more /
bigger stores ??? If you can give me any tips I may not be aware of etc..
how I should approach this ........
Anyway, any assistance would be appreciated - the way I see its all good no
matter what I end up buying so I can't wait. This will be a fantastic trip
and if I can come home with a Washburn WM526 & Triple Recto in my suitcase
for under $1500 (just kidding)... I'll just be over the moon.
Thanks for your help - I'll be checking the News Groups (no emails plse) for
any responses. Thanks in advance, and if you think there are any good shows
/ things I should or should not see along the way my ears are open to all
suggestions. BTW the trip will take us from LA, San Fran, Vegas, Memphis,
Nashville, Niagra Falls to NY and I'm getting a cowboy hat on the way too
groups for a while although I have yet to post.
As stated in the header I'll be in the states next week, for approx 3 weeks.
I'll be driving from L.A to New York via Nashville with the missus and
obviously other places along the way. Really looking forward to it,
particularly since the dollar is just about 1:1 at the moment. I'm a keen
guitar player and part of this trip will be devoted to buying some new
I hope to get a new guitar (with Floyd rose only as I already have a Les
Paul and Strat), a new analog delay (or 2 ; ), loop pedal, booster, fuzz and
anything else would be a great bonus. I've got approx US$1500 to spend and
maybe more if I can convince the missus "its an opportunity not to be missed
etc ....". I will be searching for USED gear predominantly but if I have
to I will buy new if its good value and I just "need to have it !!!".
The guitar will be my main purchase and if I have little $ to spend after
that I'll just get a used BBE 2 timer (would however love an EH memory man
deluxe) / Big muff & Jeckyl and Hyde pedals.
For the guitar I am only after a higher end axe (US or Japan) with Floyd
Rose such as: ESP (not LTD) - M1 or M2; Carvin; Ibanez Prestige (preferably
not with the V7 / V8 pup combo); Charvel So Cal; Washburn (WM526) and so on
.... I can't see my self playing with a Dean but you never know .... For
your info as others here have already stated in these newsgroups, good
equipment is really expensive here with the guitars I mentioned above
typically new > $3k some >5k (the Charvel is a bit better considering the
made in US stamp, Duncans and original FR its pbly my fall back guitar to
get in NY if I can't find something more exotic along the way)
As you can tell I generally know what I'm looking for and am after advice on
where / how to buy some of this stuff. I've heard that the West Coast has a
tax on every purchase not applicable to other States ??? Would you expect
prices to be cheaper say in New York or through central US ??? Also, are
there any Used gear mega shops I could visit along the way / you might
recommend in various cities?? Is it OK to haggle / bargain the prices down
at various stores without appearing to be a @&%)@% ??? Is there any point
in looking through used gear web sites (I've stumbled upon a couple however
the gear is all over the place and the missus is not going to appreciate
driving accross the US just to go looking for an axe - she's already on
board with the above so I figure I shouln't push it). I'll have 5 nights
in NY at the end of the trip so that would be the pace for me to see more /
bigger stores ??? If you can give me any tips I may not be aware of etc..
how I should approach this ........
Anyway, any assistance would be appreciated - the way I see its all good no
matter what I end up buying so I can't wait. This will be a fantastic trip
and if I can come home with a Washburn WM526 & Triple Recto in my suitcase
for under $1500 (just kidding)... I'll just be over the moon.
Thanks for your help - I'll be checking the News Groups (no emails plse) for
any responses. Thanks in advance, and if you think there are any good shows
/ things I should or should not see along the way my ears are open to all
suggestions. BTW the trip will take us from LA, San Fran, Vegas, Memphis,
Nashville, Niagra Falls to NY and I'm getting a cowboy hat on the way too