Post by olav bPost by New B.Post by olav bI am in the marked for a 13th birthday present for my son who is into
metal. he needs a pedal for good tight metal distortion. what would
you suggest?
IMPORTANT ==>> What is your definition of "inexpensive".?
thanks for the thoughts. here some details.
spending limit: boss type pedal.
equipment: transitor amp, strat clone (in the future possibley the two
humbucker design guitar he is talking so much about).
style: trash metal (old metallica, helmet, ..), tight, well defined,
i think being able to make an informed guess for a good sound is
by the way, i am not sure about the metal zone, great name, but not so
useful for your basic sound (unless you like bees a lot).
You are very welcomed.
Glad to be of service to someone, anyone :-)
Why guess ?
Take your son, his amp, his guitar, to the local music store
and actually test several disto pedals.
Believe me, your son would rather pick his own, than
to be 'surprised' with a pedal that sucks.
It is still a BD gift !
With the added bonus the he got to pick it out !!!
With his Dad !!!
NO returns needed ! Yay ! Hurray ! Everyone is happy !
Be advised that I am not trying to pry, am trying to help ya'll get
the best tone for the least bucks.
Boss type pedal : less than $150 ?
<just a guess>
The Boss DS-1 is very popular with pros and most every one else.
You can get it from GC or MF for about $40
Me ? I like the Ibanez 'Tube Screamer" to "punish" the input
of a tube amp.
Don't get me wrong, SS (solid state) does have it's uses...
Mainly in sound reinforcement.
Transistor Amp ? can you specify ? Wattage/ Speakers (# and size)/
Combo/ Head+Cab, Brand ?
BTW just for edification, SS (solid state)<transistor> amplifiers
cannot produce the same clean power that a tube amp can.
When SS 'clips (=pushed beyond power limits)' it sounds downright
nasty, ugly, and non-musical.
Don't get me wrong, tube amps have their own inherent limitations.
Heat, cost of tubes, heavier (due to bigger transformers), etc...
But when pushed into 'clip'; that is when they sound best for guitar,
and have a 'responsive touch'.
If you run across an old dusty tube amp <of any kind> at a garage sale
'pick' it for a song, that old hardware can be rebuilt !
Strat Clone, Brand ?
3 Single coils ? Commonly notated as s/s/s
then there are the h/s/h
h=humbucker (two coils)
Ibanez has some interesting h/s/h with switching options.
The 'metallica' crunch doesn't come from a pedal though.
More like Multiple Marshall heads through multiple 4X12 cabs.
That's loud, I tell ya !
It is possible to get the same tone at lower volumes though.
But the important thing is *Tube* amplification !!!
Not modeling nor SS <solid state>
Nothing comes close to an overdriven tube amp.
There are some very nice 'all tube' 5-watters on the market
The head/cab versions versus 'combo' are preferrable IMO.
Am more than willing to advise you further if you wish.
BTW have been playing guitar, and searching for 'tone'
since 8 y.o.