Post by JimPost by Bruce MorgenPost by Lord ValvePost by NEWS.VIRGINMEDIA.COMPost by Lord ValveLike most of the UseNet, this NG was taken over
by Obamadroids, communists, atheists, and other
scum; after they got tired of jacking each other off,
they all went back to HuffPo and Daily Kos.
I'm more inclined to accept that Usenet is in general decline.
For example...
Filter out the American Politics posts from alt.guitar.amps
and see how little on-topic activity there actually is.
What you have on AGA is the *heaviest* concentration
of Obamadroids, atheists, leftist scumbags, communists,
fleabaggers, queers, anti-gun fanatics and America-haters
on the entire UseNet.<shrug>
..and everyone else posting
off-topic there, all added
together, can't equal Lard
Vulva's feckless,
inadvertantly self-mocking
OT output there.
AMEN TO THAT! He has gone off the deep end, which is why I now only
refer to him as LORD WACKADOO.
But AGA *IS* a good forum, as long as you ignore all the political
threads. I just visited and had to ignore three new Lord Wackadoo
Yup I'm an asshole. A GIANT asshole!
And like every asshole, I've got dingleberries -
hard, smelly little pieces of shit that cling to the
edges of the main sphincter, following it everywhere
it goes - faithfully attached, and always eager to
recruit a new hanger-on whenever possible..
Know anyone like that?
Got guns?
Lord Valve
American - so far