Post by DavePost by JimPost by BillGuys, I just found this:
It's pretty good.
Anybody know anything about any of these?
cheers - Bill
I know this much: I wasted over 14 minutes waiting for a single tone
I'd want to hear, and it never came.
Ask YouTube for a refund.
Well, YouTube isn't to blame.
But who's "Bill?" Same guy the uploaded the YouTube??? Is he really a
contributor to this NG, or a shill for the "boutique" pedal company?
Call me a skeptic, but it's kind of curious that he posted here the day
that the youtube video was posted.
Personally, I've been moving away from OD/distortion pedals. I lean
towards low wattage amps or attenuators on my conventional tube amps.
When I use OD/distortion effects into a clean amp (like Super Reverb,
Twin Reverb), I also tend to favor tube based rack mount units that are
also designed to function in front of an amp, and operate via
footswitches (Chandler Tube Driver and Hughes and Kettner Tubeman Plus).
When I use my stompboxes, I do so to enhance an already driven tube amp.
Mine include an original production run TS-9, since modified to the
808 circuit (covers overdrive). I built a "gray circuit" DOD 250 (on
perfboard, installed into a reissue 250 stompbox). That covers full
range clean boost with basic clipping, all the way to square-wave fuzz.
I have my own extensive mod using the lowly DOD Death Metal as a
platform (reasonably priced, good construction, three band active EQ).
That mod results in a pedal that covers subtle overdrive to thrash and
death metal. Even a Rocktron Zombie, which I think is kind of a sleeper
for faking high gain nu-metal (but I'm planning to mod to reduce some of
the front end gain).
Sorry, I just have no love at all for the "Sound Substance" stuff at
that link. At least as demo'd. I hope they sound better in person,
with another player, into another amp.
Since I hated the tones of the OD/distortion pedals at that link, here's
a link to one that I recently ran across that DOES look interesting to
me (and I assure you I have no connection with Wampler). Never played
it, no need to buy it, but nonetheless seems to perform very well for a