Dr. Zontar
2010-11-03 12:52:05 UTC
I bought one of these last weekend. It's the first model (silver
case). I took it to my bass player's house to try it through my
Marshall Lead 100 stack. I really liked how it sounded. So much that I
used it on one of the rhythm tracks we recorded.
I left the pedal there. But when I got home, I checked some of the
Harmony Central reviews to get some background info. Unlike most of
the people on HC, I like the Hyde side of the pedal. The Jeckyll side
is basically a tubescreamer, and I've never really liked
tubescreamers. I should try it as a boost to push my amp before I make
up my mind. But right now I think I'll just use it as a boost for
solos. The Hyde side is nice, though. It has every shade of crunch I'd
want, and with a fuzz pedal in front of it, it sustains for hours.
One thing about the HC reviews confused me, though. Some people say
this pedal has a built-in noise reduction with an internal trimpot.
Others claim it was only in the version 2 (red model). Can anyone
verify this? The pedal is still at Scott's house, so I can't open it
up and check. Thanks.
- Rich
case). I took it to my bass player's house to try it through my
Marshall Lead 100 stack. I really liked how it sounded. So much that I
used it on one of the rhythm tracks we recorded.
I left the pedal there. But when I got home, I checked some of the
Harmony Central reviews to get some background info. Unlike most of
the people on HC, I like the Hyde side of the pedal. The Jeckyll side
is basically a tubescreamer, and I've never really liked
tubescreamers. I should try it as a boost to push my amp before I make
up my mind. But right now I think I'll just use it as a boost for
solos. The Hyde side is nice, though. It has every shade of crunch I'd
want, and with a fuzz pedal in front of it, it sustains for hours.
One thing about the HC reviews confused me, though. Some people say
this pedal has a built-in noise reduction with an internal trimpot.
Others claim it was only in the version 2 (red model). Can anyone
verify this? The pedal is still at Scott's house, so I can't open it
up and check. Thanks.
- Rich