Post by The ChrisPost by GonzoPost by The ChrisPost by GonzoPost by The ChrisPost by GonzoI have BOSS Acoustic Simulator AC-3, and as part of its
emphasizing the high frequency it creates some hiss, and our
soundman is having hard time with it. Have anyone noted that, and
can suggest solution?
It's a hard pedal to tame sometimes - and it depends on what you
feed into it... If you have high-gain pickups (Duncan Distortions
in my case) or use a wireless - it gets worse...
Which output are you using?? The DI one??
I'm using original Strat (neck pickup) connected to BOSS CS-2
(compressor - sustainer) then to the AC-3 and to Boss noise gate to
the amp. So while the noise gate is open there's some annoying hiss.
That's your problem - the AC-3 has to get a pure signal - preferably
from bridge humbucker... That's how it does it's *simulation*
It was the first thing in my chain - or right after my tuner...
As you know, there are two outputs - one is for the rest of your
chain, and the other is a direct out to a board... Have ALL acoustic
effects done by rack effects at the board. When you step on that
pedal, it should CUT the signal to your amp, and ONLY put sound out
to the board...
If you're using it as an 'effect' into an amp through effects, you're
REALLY not going to like it...
I've used that pedal for years - definitely one of my favorites....
those are MY conclusions after YEARS of dorking with it :)
I think I also tried to disable the CS-2 but the annoying hiss still
But let me understand what you are suggesting. The AC-3 has 2
outputs, called OUTPUT and E.G.. Which one should I connect to th
rest of the pedals, and which directly to the board bypassing the
Also, when bypassing the rest of the pedals, can I connect it right to
the amp?
The EG output (which to this day, I can't remember what it stands for)
goes to the PA... The other is used as the regular stompbox output.
However, when you use the EG output, and turn ON the pedal, it will CUT
the output to the rest of the pedals, and just feed the PA. Which is why
you want it to be really first in your chain...
I don't understand your last question...Hopefully I answered it above...
I had to make a special cable for the EG output.. Not really a special
cable - but I think it requres a TRS 1/4" to a standard XLR... It doesn't
require a direct box or anything...
There are ways to set it where you'll get a lot of his... You just have
to back down on one of the knobs - but, that's why I think it's better to
feed it with a beefy humbucker - to lower the S/N ratio.
Let me know if that helps...
As a funny aside.... I did a live album a few years back where I used
that pedal... I did EVERYTHING wrong and decided to use a wireless that
night and feed it into an amp instead of FOH... It's SO clear when I turn
the pedal off during the song and 'give up' because it sounded so
horrible with my wirelss.
It was AFTER that that I learned what I was doing wrong :)
OK I'll try it, You are suggesting to:
1. Have the guitar connected DIRECTLY to the AC-2 (mine is AC-2
actually), and connect all other pedals such as CS-2 after AC-2,
2. Direct line signal from E.G. to PA (disable all guitar amp sound), or
OUTPUT directly to guitar amp (bypass all other pedals), as shown in
p.9-13 of, the owner's manual:
(I prefer it to go to my guitar amp if possible, since that's how it's
usually used as monitor for me)
I also have NS-2 Noise Suppressor Pedal, where my guitar is normally
plugged in first, should I connect the AC-2 to be the first pedal IN its
loop (Proposed setup A) or before the loop (Proposed setup B)?
My old setup (AC-2 & TS-909 are never used together, CS-2 is used most
of the time):
DD <- NS-2 <- Guitar
^ >-----------NS-2 LOOP---------->|
^ GE-7 <- AC-2 <- TS-909 <- CS-2 <-|
Proposed setup A:
DD <- NS-2 <- Guitar
^ >-----------NS-2 LOOP---------->|
^ GE-7 <- TS-909 <- CS-2 <- AC-2 <-|
Proposed setup B:
DD <- NS-2 <- AC-2 <- Guitar
^ >-------NS-2 LOOP------->|
^ GE-7 <- TS-909 <- CS-2 <- |