On Sun, 1 Aug 2010 02:07:56 +0000 (UTC), TheChris
Post by TheChrisPost by JimI only own one Marshall, also. But I own too many Fenders at the
moment. That's a different story. If I ever get off of my butt and
finish up restoration on my three Twins, I'll be able to make a choice
and sell two of them. I also have a Super and an EARLY silverface
Bandmaster. And lots of other amps. But my favorite, if I could only
keep one? The 2204.
I had a 2204 (1987) for over 20 years... Easily, one of the worst
sounding amps I ever owned. I kept it because everybody said I should
keep it and that it was 'the amp'....
Never got it... Posted dozens of things in here trying to make it sound
The solution, I traded it straight up for a next year 2210 (100 watts,
loop, reverb, split-channel)
THAT'S what a Marshall amp should sound like! IMO - sounds 1,000 times
better than my 2204. My opinion...
Your opinion is quite valid.
There were some 2204's that were crap out of the factory.
In fact some say that the 2204 is the most variable amp that
Marshall ever made.
You unfortunately got one of the POS ones.
Glad you got a decent trade.
What tubes, and what Pv, and B+ ?
From Bob at EuroTubes: http://www.eurotubes.com/euro-m.htm
The only warning I have on the 800 series amps is, always play one
before you buy one! They are the most inconsistent Marshall's ever
made. You can line up 10 of them no matter which model, and you will
find 2 or 3 that sound amazing, then 2 or 3 that sound really flat and
sterol with the rest of them sounding pretty good, but not amazing.
Good tubes and proper bias will help a few of the amps that fall in
that middle ground but you will find that several will still sound
mediocre at best even with good tubes and proper bias. Buyer beware!
BTW Bob, whether you like him or not, is not the only one with this
opinion of the 2204.
Bob ain't the best speller either, think he meant 'sterile'.
Don't know what 'sterol' means, guess he didn't have a spell checker.
Mine is a 1981 with (2) GE 6550A's.
It sounded great from the day I bought it.